Reading Lark After Dark would like to welcome author, Tracey Sinclair, to the Dark Nest today.
Tracey: I’ve written ever since I was a child – I remember being about 10 or 11 and having a huge cardboard box full of notebooks where I kept my stories, so it’s been a passion since I was young – I can’t remember when I started, just that it’s always been something I’ve loved. My first short story was published in a magazine when I was 17, and since then I’ve had a steady stream of work published in magazines and anthologies. My first novel, Doll, came out in 2005.
Tracey: I actually wrote a short story to cheer up a vampire-loving friend – I wanted to write something that was fun and contemporary and set in London, where I live, and peopled by characters I liked and could relate to. Then I sort of fell in love with those characters and couldn’t stop writing about them! I also wanted to write something based in the area I was working in at the time – Smithfield, which houses a beautiful old meat market in a setting that dates back centuries (it’s where William Wallace, the hero of the film Braveheart, was executed and used to have a giant plague pit, so it’s got a colourful history!). It’s such an inspiring setting, I felt I had to use it.
After Dark: Which of your characters are you most like?
Tracey: I’m actually very like Cassandra Bick, the heroine of Dark Dates – not as tough, obviously, probably not as brave and tragically without the smoking hot love interests, but other than that we have a lot in common: we’re a bit geeky, a bit snarky, not very domesticated, and not particularly fit. The resemblance is deliberate – I didn’t want to write about someone who was like Buffy (much as I love Buffy), with lots of powers or a super fit body. I wanted to create a character who you could imagine cracking open a bottle of wine with!
After Dark: Why did you choose to write in this genre?
Tracey: I love urban fantasy – especially authors like Kelley Armstrong and Jim Butcher – but I struggled to find a series that had the type of characters I could relate to: there seemed to be too little between the Bella Swan swooning teen at one end of the scale and the Anita Blake kick-ass babe at the other; I wanted to write a book I’d like to read, with characters who are smart and funny and sexy, and set in a world I could recognise – just with added vampires!
After Dark: Can you share a little bit about your next project with us?
Tracey: It’s the follow up to Dark Dates - although the Dark Dates is a standalone story, it does set up a sequel and so I’m excited to be working on that.
After Dark: Who is your dream book boyfriend?
Tracey: Is it too tragic to say my own characters? I did write what I was attracted to, so I suppose it shouldn’t be a surprise that I’m completely in love with both Cain and Laclos – and the sequel gets steamier, so as I’m writing it I’m becoming even more smitten! Outside of my own work, I love Harry Dresden, with his old-fashioned sense of chivalry, though as things never seem to work out for him, it’s probably no fun to be his girlfriend. I also love Sam Vimes from the Discworld, and his relationship with his wife Sybil – it’s one of those genuine, loving but utterly realistic marriages that I would be very happy with. But I do develop crushes on male characters all of the time – I love a lot of the boyfriends /partners in the Kelley Armstrong books, for example, I’d happily settle for any of them!
Pick One:
- Coke or Pepsi?
Diet Coke. But my favourite is the Scottish drink Irn Bru!
- Hot or Cold?
I’m a wimp and don’t cope well with either, but at a push, cold.
- Boxers or Briefs?
A nicely fitted pair of briefs. But not teeny ones!
- Vampires or Werewolves?
Vampires. Unless it’s Alcide from True Blood… I’d definitely make an exception for him!
- Night Owl or Early Bird?
Night owl, though I do often wake up ridiculously early, get a lot of stuff done then go back to bed!
About the Author:
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